
Hi! I am Xiangyu Wang. I studied IoT at South China Institute of Software Engineering, and I’ve been a software engineer at Zilliz since February 2017. I recently left Zilliz to think and find what to do in the next 10 years.

The first time I used a computer I was about 6 years old. The only thing I did on the computer was play the game Crazy Arcade with my cousin. I started learning programming in high school and my first programming language is 易语言(Easy Programming Language) which is a non-English-based programming language. I made some Windows desktop applications with it. EPL is cool! I love it! I learned c/c++ in college and use it as my main programming language for years.

I like football very much. I am a fan of Cristiano Ronaldo and Robert Lewandowski. And I also play football with my friends after getting off work, about once a week. Shanghai is nice in this regard, there are a lot of places to play football.

About this blog

This is not a tech blog, I will also share some things I am interested in and my thoughts on some problems.
